Heart Foundation launches COVID-19 and heart disease support campaign

24 April 2020

Australia’s current COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge our country and burden our health system in a way we have never experienced.

Emerging data suggests that people with heart disease are at higher risk of the most severe complications of COVID-19, and we are aware that people living with heart disease, and their loved ones, are feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

To reassure people, the Heart Foundation is launching a simple campaign to encourage good hygiene and social distancing among people living with heart disease. People living with heart disease should also maintain their current treatment and medication plans.

The Heart Foundation want to remind people that:

  • they can contact their doctor remotely and have their medicines home delivered
  • it’s important to have a flu shot to prevent influenza infection this winter
  • it’s important to stay physically active and eat healthily while at home
  • they should seek medical help if their heart disease symptoms become severe or worsen quickly as medical emergencies still require urgent care.

For advice and further information, please contact the Heart Foundation Helpline on 13 11 12, or visit heartfoundation.org.au.


Chronic conditions, Community, Health alert, Quality in general practice,