New adult mental health services for Shellharbour, Moruya and other locations in NSW
21 April 2023
COORDINARE - South Eastern NSW PHN welcomes the announcement of additional free walk-in mental health care services for adults soon to be available in NSW, with locations for new Head to Health services agreed between the Australian and NSW Governments.
Together the Australian and NSW Governments are providing $45.7 million over 4 years to establish and operate new services in Moruya, Dubbo, Wagga Wagga, Young, Bathurst, Coffs Harbour and Muswellbrook.
Services in the LGAs of Shellharbour, Liverpool, Parramatta and Hawkesbury will open later this year. Services are currently available in Penrith, Lismore, Canterbury and the Central Coast.
Head to Health provides a new way for Australians to access free, quality mental health care within their community. Services are fully government-funded and provided by multidisciplinary teams, without the need for appointments or GP referrals.
Head to Health services offer short to medium-term care for people with moderate to severe mental health needs, and immediate support and follow-up can be provided to people presenting in crisis.
As a joint commitment of the NSW and Commonwealth Governments under the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement, Head to Health services will simplify access to mental health advice and support making quality information and care more accessible for people across NSW.
An additional 7 Head to Health adult services will be established in New South Wales over the next 3 years in to-be-determined locations.
Head to Health services can be accessed by calling 1800 595 212 or by visiting a nearby location. Read more information about Head to Health and services in South Eastern NSW.
Head to Health adult mental health services – NSW locations
- Penrith
- Central Coast
- Canterbury
- Lismore
Services expected to commence mid 2023
- Shellharbour
- Liverpool
- Parramatta
- Hawkesbury
- Dubbo
Establishment due to commence mid 2023
- Moruya
- Wagga Wagga
- Muswellbrook
- Coffs Harbour
- Bathurst
- Young