Your search has returned 52 results.

  • Should your practice employ a Medical Practice Assistant?

    8 November 2023

    Medical Practice Assistants (MPAs) are trained to work within a defined scope of practice to support doctors and nurses by doing administrative, and in some cases clinical, tasks in a general practice.

    Read more about Should your practice employ a Medical Practice Assistant?
  • Growing the local Medical Practice Assistant workforce

    6 September 2023

    With mounting pressure on the general practice workforce, many practices are discovering the value of a Medical Practice Assistant (MPA). With skills to support both clinical and administrative functions, MPAs have the potential to increase practice efficiency and provide greater job satisfaction for the entire team.

    Read more about Growing the local Medical Practice Assistant workforce
  • Strengthening Medicare GP Grants announced

    21 April 2023

    COORDINARE - South Eastern NSW PHN welcomes the Australian Government announcement of the Strengthening Medicare – General Practice (GP) Grants Program that will allow all general practices and eligible Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) to expand patient access and improve their services.

    Read more about Strengthening Medicare GP Grants announced
  • Strengthening Medicare – GP Grants Program opportunity

    13 February 2023

    As part of the 2022-23 October Budget, the Australian Government is investing $220 million (over two years from 2022-23 to 2023-24) in Medicare general practices and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS), through the Strengthening Medicare – GP Grants Program.

    Read more about Strengthening Medicare – GP Grants Program opportunity