GP funding opportunity

Enhance your knowledge, skills, and confidence in opioid dependence treatment 

COORDINARE - South Eastern NSW PHN is offering funding of $2,500 per GP to undertake an Opioid Treatment Course (estimated as two hours online e-learning) and take on five (5) stable patients who are on opioid replacement therapy (excluding methadone) within the Local Health Districts (LHDs) Drug and Alcohol services, for ongoing monitoring of treatment and general holistic health care planning, for a minimum period of 12 months.   


The Opioid Dependence Treatment Program (OTP) in NSW supports over 24,000 clients but has less than 100 general practitioners actively prescribing treatment medications (1% of all GPS in NSW). This combined with the addition of opioid dependence medicines to the Section 100 Highly Specialised Section 100 Highly Specialised Drugs Program and subsequent private clinic closures, has resulted in increased demand for alcohol and other drugs services from the LHD.   

This presents a significant barrier for people accessing treatment in the community and leads to an underserved population who struggle to find regular general practitioners for standard primary care and are forced to remain in LHD-based speciality services or to travel significant distances for care.   

Project details 

COORDINARE is inviting General Practitioners to participate in a project to support GP training and confidence in opioid dependency treatment (ODT) prescribing.   

The project is being run in collaboration with Illawarra Shoalhaven and Southern NSW LHDs’ Drug and Alcohol Services to increase the number of active ODT prescribers in our region to support people with AOD needs and build GP capacity and capability.   

Dr Neil Starmer who cares for over 120 opioid patients is assisting with the project as the GP Clinical Lead to support doctors who participate.  

"Having the right person to ask who has sat in your chair before, who can walk with you, is quite powerful. It's a good resource and I'm happy to be that resource," he said.   



How to apply

Limited places are available, please register your interest as soon as possible. 

To apply, complete the following:

Doctor speaking with patient.

Contact number

1300 069 002

Contact address