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Your search for services has returned 54 results

  • Southern NSW Local Health District logo.

    SNSW LHD Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Service


    Information, support and treatment for people affected by alcohol and drug use issues. Available 24/7, some treatment options available include:

    withdrawal management
    opioid treatment program
    court diversion programs.

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  • Suicide Call Back Service logo

    Suicide Call Back Service


    Suicide Call Back Service offers free professional 24/7 telephone counselling support to people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues.

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  • The Disability Trust logo.

    The Disability Trust - Commonwealth Psychosocial Support Program


    Free non-clinical support for people 16 years and over with a severe and complex mental health condition. Also provides support to apply for NDIS if primarily 'Psychosocial Disability' and Service Navigation. Available via telehealth and across multiple locations. Visit the Disability Trust website to find a location near you.

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  • Waminda logo, a yellow flower with a red circle in the centre of the flower.

    Waminda: South Coast Women's Health & Wellbeing Aboriginal Corporation


    Waminda is a culturally safe and holistic service, providing women and their Aboriginal families an opportunity to belong and receive quality health and well-being support. Their key focus is to provide tailored strength based care in the Shoalhaven and Illawarra.

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  • Wollongong Mental Health Hub logo.

    Wollongong Mental Health Hub


    In partnership with new Head to Health services, COORDINARE has commissioned five new mental health hubs, delivering free, evidence-based psychological supports for vulnerable and hard to reach communities.

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  • Young woman talking on the phone looking out a window.

    Shellharbour Medicare Mental Health Centre


    Medicare Mental Health Centres (formerly Head to Health centres) are a safe and welcoming space to talk to someone if you, or someone you care about, are in distress, or need help finding the right mental health support to meet your needs.  

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