Dementia support - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
On this page you will find helpful information about culturally sensitive services and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, that can help you or the person you are caring for live well with dementia.
Helpful resources and services
Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Service
South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation
Dementia Australia
Australian Indigenous Health Info Net
Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD Dementia Advisory Service
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communication cards
First People Disability Network
My Aged Care
Dementia Training Australia
Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
Research and guides about dementia care
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Let's CHAT (Community Health Approaches To) Dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities
- Dementia Echo: Improving dementia care with First Nations people (Project Echo)
- Support the care of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People living with dementia (Dementia Training Australia)
- How can dementia diagnosis and care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people be improved?
- A Cultural Journey Supporting People with Dementia
- Dementia in Australia, Understanding dementia among First Nations people - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Local directory
Where to go for support
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you, or someone close to you, is diagnosed with dementia. You may not be aware of the support available to help you maintain independence and live well.
We have created a list of services available in South Eastern NSW that can support people living with dementia, as well as their family, friends and carers. You can download region specific list here:
Also get in touch with any of your local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations for further support.
Dementia Australia
Call 1800 100 500 or message the Dementia Australia webchat.
Dementia Australia provides information, education and resources for people living with dementia, family, friends and carers. Contact the National Dementia Australia helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Further information and support
Learn more
Return to the home page to access other resources including carer support and health professional information.
Contact us
If you know of a service provider that should be listed or if you'd like more information added.
Page last updated: November 2024.