Breast Cancer Awareness Month

1 October 2020

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the Cancer Institute of NSW 1 in 7 women in NSW will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime.

Key risk factors for developing breast cancer include being female and getting older, with 75% of women diagnosed with breast cancer over the age of 50. If found early, breast cancer is easier to treat and there is an increased chance of survival.

Breast Screen NSW offers a free screening program specifically designed for women aged 50-74. Book your free mammogram online here or call 13 20 50.

There are various locations in the Illawarra & Shoalhaven region where you can book a mammogram including:

Where can I get more information about breast cancer?

Breast Screen NSW offers a great range of resources on its website here

View Breast Screen NSW ‘Breast Screening and You’ Flyer here

You can also find a wide range of breast cancer information on the Cancer Australia website.

Cancer screening, Chronic conditions, Illawarra Shoalhaven, Southern NSW,