Chronic kidney disease in South Eastern NSW
29 June 2020
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a silent disease that often produces no symptoms in its early stages, but requires early intervention to prevent deterioration and achieve optimal patient outcomes.
If it’s detected early and managed appropriately, the deterioration of kidney function can be reduced by as much as 50% and may even be reversible. Symptoms of CKD are not usually seen until 90% of kidney function is lost.
According to the latest Population Health Profile compiled by COORDINARE, kidney failure continues to rate as one of the top causes of deaths associated with death rates in the South Eastern NSW region.
Debbie Pugh is the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District Chronic Kidney Disease Clinical Nurse Consultant (CKD-CNC) available to support general practice and their staff. Her details are:
Phone: (02) 4295 2803 | Mob: 0477 352 876 | Email: debbie.pugh@health.nsw.gov.au
Kidney Health Australia recently released the 4th Edition handbook
Kidney Health Australia has recently released the 4th edition of the Chronic Kidney Disease Management handbook. It provides guidance and clinical tips to help detect, manage, and refer patients in your practice with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Download your free copy here.
For those who missed the launch of the handbook and are interested to view the webinar, it's available here.
For more information and useful resources, please visit kidney.org.au.
Consider checking the suite of Chronic Kidney Disease pathways on Illawarra Shoalhaven HealthPathways or ACT & Southern NSW HealthPathways for localised information, including details specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.