COORDINARE Annual Report Card 2019/20

23 November 2020

We are delighted to release our Annual Report Card which showcases the key achievements and highlights some of the work we have done together in 2019/20 to create positive change and improve the health and wellbeing within our region.

This year COORDINARE celebrated a milestone of five years of serving the South Eastern NSW community. In July 2015, the organisation was established as the South Eastern NSW Primary Health Network. Five years on, we have a network of over 3,500 providers, organisations and agencies across our region, and the relationships with this network have never been more valuable, in this most challenging of years.

Only by working together across this diverse network of stakeholders, have we been able to make an impact to create positive change and improve the health and wellbeing of the people who live and work in our region. The achievements recorded this year are a reflection of the strength of our partnerships and our network as well as the collective and continued commitment to building a coordinated regional health system within SENSW.

We invite you to review our Annual Report Card 2019/20 and hope that you enjoy reading the highlights and achievements presented.

To view or download the report click here.

Together we can achieve our vision of a coordinated regional health system. We look forward to continuing to work together in 2020/21.

COORDINARE news, Illawarra Shoalhaven, Southern NSW,