COVID-19 vaccine expression of interest (EOI)
22 January 2021
Please note that this EOI has now closed.
General practices in South Eastern NSW are invited to express interest in participating in Phase 1b of the Australian Government’s COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out.
Expressions of interest (EOIs) OPEN at 9am Saturday 23 January 2021, and will CLOSE at 11:59pm Monday 1 February 2021. This EOI is intended to identify individual general practices capable of participating in Phase 1b of the roll-out to commence from March 2021.
The Department of Health has just released the first version of Frequently Asked Questions in response to the recent vaccine roll-out EOI. A second iteration will be provided over the coming days with further information as it becomes available.
Only accredited general practices are currently eligible to submit an EOI response. General practices who do not participate in this phase may still be involved in later phases of the vaccine roll-out. All general practices who meet requirements will have the opportunity to participate in the vaccine roll-out as more vaccines become available.
Commonwealth funded General Practitioner led Respiratory Clinics and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services do not need to apply through this EOI and will be approached to participate through separate processes.
Each general practice has been emailed specific information regarding the EOI process and how to apply via the online form. Please speak with your practice manager for further information.
If your practice has not received this information, please contact COORDINARE via SENSWPHNadmin@coordinare.org.au or (02) 4225 4321.
We encourage practices to utilise information contained in COORDINARE’s Population Health Profile when responding to questions in the EOI form that ask you to describe the geography of your catchment and population groups you serve.