Get COVID tested and join the #swabmob

28 September 2020

Join the #swabmob – that’s the key message of a new campaign launched by COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW PHN this week to encourage more young people to get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms.

The campaign comes as data from NSW Health reveals that young people aged 20 – 29 have the highest number of COVID-19 infections in NSW.

“We are hearing that many young people aren’t getting the message about coronavirus through the mainstream media or have switched off due to fatigue and feeling overwhelmed,” said Dianne Kitcher, CEO of South Eastern NSW PHN.

“So we engaged Beyond Empathy, a not-for-profit community, arts and cultural development organisation, working with a fantastic team of young people to develop three short videos encouraging others to get tested,” she added.

The videos show just how quick and simple it is to get tested: “If you have symptoms like a fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing or loss of taste or smell, then get tested and join the #swabmob,” said Ms Kitcher.

The videos will be shared across a range of social media channels including Facebook Instagram, and Twitter, making them simple for everyone to share as we work together to get this important message out to young people.

Check out the videos below and click the share button to share the videos!

Video 1 - Join the #swabmob

Video 2 - Get COVID tested; it's quick and simple

Video 3 - Got symptoms? Get tested and join the #swabmob

This initiative is supported by funding from the Australian Government through the PHN Program.

Community, COORDINARE news, Illawarra Shoalhaven, Media release, Resources, Southern NSW,