Head to Health Kids Hub planned for Wollongong LGAs
24 July 2023
COORDINARE welcomes the announcement by the Commonwealth and NSW Governments to establish and operate a Head to Health Kids Hub in the Wollongong LGA, one of four to be rolled out in NSW over the next four years.
Young people and their families are set to benefit from wrap around mental health care and wellbeing services established progressively until 2027 when all four Kids Hubs will be operational.
The Kids Hubs are a $35.8 million joint investment by the Commonwealth and NSW Governments and will provide comprehensive, multi-disciplinary mental health and wellbeing care for children under 12, and their families.
Services are fully government-funded and will be available free of charge. Kids Hubs will offer a range of specialist medical and allied health services provided by teams, which may include psychiatrists, psychologists, paediatricians, nurses, social workers, peer workers and Aboriginal health workers.
As well as the Kids Hub in the Wollongong LGA, the other three Kids Hubs will be located on the Central Coast, in Penrith and in Orange with outreach to Bathurst.
The governments agreed to co-fund the establishment and operation of the Head to Health Kids Hubs under the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement.