headspace Yass Satellite Service commences
1 March 2022
Local young people now have access to more health and wellbeing support with a new headspace satellite service recently opening its doors in Crago Street, Yass.
The satellite service, funded by COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW PHN, has been fitted out as a dedicated youth health venue by Grand Pacific Health to provide services for early intervention, mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and work and study support for young people aged 12 to 25, three days a week.
Dianne Kitcher, CEO of COORDINARE said: “Since headspace Goulburn commenced outreach services to Yass, referrals have been growing steadily, demonstrating the need for youth-specific mental health services in Yass.”
Local resident Shannon said, “As a young person living in Yass valley area, I am so excited we have a local headspace we can now access.
“Previously there were distance barriers for our community so having a mental health support service close that young people can access is so important. Hopefully having a headspace in Yass will encourage more young people to reach out and seek support for themselves and others,” said Shannon.
Billieann Bambrick, headspace Goulburn and Yass Service Manager said she is excited the investment in a dedicated venue and additional workforce will significantly increase the support available to young people in Yass.
“We intend to invest further in the Youth Reference Group, who have been advising us how to best support young people in Yass. This group has been involved in shaping the new premises to ensure it is a youth-friendly and welcoming space and they have big plans to transform the backyard as well.
“We hope to reduce stigma surrounding mental health and encourage help-seeking and engage with young people who might be reluctant to seek help. We plan to work closely with schools and other youth involved organisations to ensure young people in Yass have the information they need to look after their mental health and know where to get help when they need it,” said Ms Bambrick.
The headspace Yass satellite will be staffed with youth workers as well as allied health clinicians to support young people going through a tough time or experiencing mental health difficulties.
“Through our partnership with Direction Health, young people can seamlessly receive alcohol and other drug support if needed. And young people looking to engage in the workforce and achieve their vocational goals can link in with our partner Personnel Group,” she said.
Kristy McBain MP, Member for Eden-Monaro, applauded the commencement of the Yass centre as a much-needed service and a positive step for local young people.
“Young people across our region have been through a lot recently with the pandemic, bushfires and drought, and these experiences can certainly impact mental health and our ability to get through these tough times,” said Ms McBain.
“We know early intervention is key and I am thrilled to see the Yass headspace satellite service in place to meet local need,” she added.
Young people or families wanting to access the service in Yass can do so by phoning headspace Yass on 4824 4950 or headspace Goulburn on 4824 4944.
Find out more by visiting the headspace Yass webpage.