Join the virtual ‘Out of the Shadows’ walk!
9 September 2020
This World Suicide Prevention Day – Thursday 10 September – Lifeline South Coast is inviting people to join in a virtual ‘Out of the Shadows’ walk and take a moment of reflection in their virtual garden.
According to Renee Green, CEO of Lifeline South Coast, people across the community will walk into the light at 5:30 am this Thursday, to raise awareness, remember those lost to suicide and unite in a commitment to prevent further deaths by suicide. “With things needing to be done differently this year, we’re hosting our Out of the Shadows event virtually so you can choose your own desired route – this could be a walk along the beach, to the lighthouse or around the block,” said Ms Green.
To register for the virtual walk, click here.
Lifeline South Coast has also developed a Virtual Garden to provide a place to celebrate the life of a loved one lost to suicide and provide a unique way for our community to send powerful messages of hope. “We hope this garden will be a place to come together, a place for remembrance and reflection. Unity in knowing you are not alone,” said Ms Green. “Each person who plants a flower will have the opportunity to include a message of remembrance or support, to help ensure those who are struggling to know that their pain is recognised and that there is compassion and support around them,” she added.
Visit Lifeline’s virtual garden at: outoftheshadows.org.au/SouthCoast
If you or someone you know needs support now, please call Lifeline 24/7 on 13 11 14, the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 or MensLine on 1300 789 978.