ACT & SNSW HealthPathways: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander updates
16 April 2021
Reviewing and updating the suite of pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health has been a major focus for the ACT and SNSW HealthPathways team.
All of the updated pathways are now available on the HealthPathways website, including a live Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services Directory. The new directory provides an up-to-date listing of community sector social, emotional and wellbeing services to ensure all facets of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s health is considered.
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders good health is more than just the absence of disease or illness; it is a holistic concept that includes physical, social, emotional, cultural, spiritual and ecological wellbeing for both the individual and the community.
This concept of health emphasises the connectedness between these factors and recognises the impact that social and cultural determinants have on health.
To help navigate the pathways the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags are displayed on all pathways that include information and resources specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
This is designed to help guide health professionals towards specific and relevant content and will assist in raising awareness of culturally appropriate care and services within the ACT and SNSW.
In addition to the new directory, there have been other updates made to improve the accessibility and accuracy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health pathways.
If you are an ACT or Southern NSW Health Professional and you are interested in finding out more please visit the ACT and SNSW HealthPathways website.