New videos to support people bereaved by suicide

26 November 2020

The Illawarra Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Collaborative (the Collaborative) today launched a suite of 11 videos as part of a campaign supporting people who are bereaved by suicide. This includes two compilation videos entitled ‘What helped us get through' and ‘What would you say to someone recently bereaved?’.

The videos feature local community members with lived experience of bereavement after a loved one’s suicide. The speakers share their deeply personal stories about grief, loss and recovery. They give advice and help-seeking information for parents and carers, children, extended family and friends, colleagues, and the broader community.

The videos are a joint project developed by the Collaborative’s Postvention For Families Working Group, with sponsorship from One Door Mental Health, COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW Primary Health Network (PHN) and FinoComp. They are part of a broader awareness campaign to bring bereavement and the support services available into the spotlight.

"Suicide has a ripple effect across entire communities,” said Marie-Claude Lallier Beaudoin, Project Manager for the Collaborative. “Yet community intervention efforts tend to focus on preventing suicide, meaning that bereavement and what happens after a suicide are often left out of the conversation.”

“By sharing their stories openly and honestly, those featured in the videos aim to shine a light on bereavement after a suicide, and answer questions around What happens next?”

Jodi Bush, lived experience member of the Collaborative and participant in the Postvention For Families Working Group, reminds people they are not alone, and it’s okay to ask for help.

“The aim of the videos and postvention campaign is to reassure people they are not alone in their emotional pain, and that support is available to help them process grief and deal with practical issues.”

In her video, Ms Bush shares her personal circumstances and the importance of asking for help.

“I recognise it can be so hard to ask for help but being honest about what you need, gives the people who care about you a way to help, move forward and cope as well.”

The videos and social media materials for promotion are available to watch here. A campaign page has also been developed with links to further supports. You can access the page at:

If this article has raised any issues for you, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511.

Community, Illawarra Shoalhaven, Mental health, Suicide prevention,