NSW Health wants to hear from people with intersex variations
5 March 2020
As part of the development of the first NSW LGBTI Health Strategy, NSW Health would like to hear from people with intersex variations, to better understand your experiences with the health system.
NSW Health has engaged Urbis, an independent research company, to develop the Strategy. The Strategy will aim to improve the experiences of people with intersex variations when accessing health care in NSW.
Urbis invites people with intersex variations to complete the online survey by Monday 16 March at 5pm.
Please note:
▪ everything you say will remain anonymous
▪ nothing you say about any service will be reported to that service
▪ nothing you say will affect your access to services.
You can complete the survey here and find out more about the consultation on the flyer.
Who are people with intersex variations?
As defined by the United Nations, people with intersex variations are: "born with physical sex characteristics (such as sexual anatomy, reproductive organs, hormonal patterns and/or chromosomal patterns) that do not fit typical definitions for male or female bodies. This is sometimes referred to as ‘intersex’, ‘DSD’ or ‘intersex variation’."
It's important to acknowledge that people with intersex variations are taught and use many different terms, and not everybody is comfortable with all terms.