Phoenix Australia Bushfire Support Training
21 September 2020
As part of the Australian Government’s Mental Health Support for Bushfire Affected Australians package, Phoenix Australia will be offering training for frontline workers to better support community members affected by the 2019/20 bushfires.
This project aims to work with emergency services personnel and general practice staff to enhance their ability to:
- support community members recovery from bushfires.
- promote their own resilience and psychological recovery from the bushfires.
- support the resilience and wellbeing of their teams and organisations.
The training for General Practitioners and practice staff in bushfire affected communities involves elements of Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) and Psychological First Aid (PFA). The training will be tailored to the needs of health professionals, including General Practitioners and other practice staff.
For further information on Phoenix Australia training and to register please click here.