Prime Minister visits Queanbeyan to announce new pathways for care when its urgent, but not an emergency

5 July 2024

The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister of Australia joined The Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care and The Hon Kristy McBain MP, Member for Eden-Monaro in Queanbeyan today to announce the location of a new Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (UCC). 

People in Queanbeyan and surrounding areas who need urgent health care, for non-life-threatening conditions, will soon be able to walk-in to the new Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (Medicare UCC) located at Brindabella Family Practice, Suite 4, 7-9 Morrisset Street, Queanbeyan. 

“Medicare Urgent Care Clinics are providing the urgent care people need, and all they need is their Medicare card, not their credit card. Every day they’re taking the pressure off busy hospital emergency departments,” said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. 

Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler said, “Half a million visits proves what an impact our Medicare Urgent Care Clinics are having right around the country. 

“In the Budget, we invested $227 million to open an additional 29 Clinics, to ensure that more Australians can get medical care when their need is urgent, but not life threatening. 

“The Queanbeyan Urgent Care Clinic will help ensure locals on both sides of the border can get free, urgent care, when they need it, taking pressure off busy hospital emergency departments,” he said. 

Member for Eden-Monaro Kristy McBain said, “The Queanbeyan Medicare Urgent Care Clinic is going to make a big difference to residents in Queanbeyan, but also in the surrounding communities of Googong, Jerrabomberra and beyond. 

“Instead of waiting for a non-life threatening issue at the emergency department, locals can receive treatment at this walk-in clinic, with no out of pocket costs. 

"This Medicare UCC will ease pressure on the local emergency department and be much more convenient for our communities – closer to home, at short notice, and bulk billed under Medicare." 

Prudence Buist, Chief Executive Officer of COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW PHN said: “The Queanbeyan Medicare UCC will be open from 24 July and will provide urgent care, by highly trained doctors and nurses, between 8am to 8pm, seven days a week including public holidays.  

“This service does not replace your regular GP who should be your first point of contact for non-emergency, routine, and preventative health care. 

“The Queanbeyan clinic is one of three Medicare UCCs in South Eastern NSW that are easing the pressure on general practice and emergency departments, especially during the flu season. 

"We’ve worked closely with both the Australian and NSW governments to ensure the Medicare UCCs align with local health services and the needs of our community.  

"Batemans Bay Medicare UCC has seen more than 4300 presentations since it opened in December, including 70 percent of patients who would have visited the Emergency Department if the Medicare UCC was not available,” said Ms Buist. 

“Corrimal Medicare UCC in Wollongong has seen more than 8700 presentations since it opened last year and a quarter of all patients visiting Medicare UCCs are under 12 years of age. 

"If you or a member of your family have a deep cut, closed fracture, simple eye injury, ear infection or minor burn we recommend you head straight to the Queanbeyan Medicare Urgent Care Clinic. If you have a Medicare card or number, make sure you bring it with you. 

“People who require emergency and life-saving care should still go to the emergency department at Queanbeyan Hospital,” she said. 

In 2022–23, 35* per cent of all presentations to Queanbeyan Hospital were for semi-urgent or non-urgent care. (*Source

Commissioning, COORDINARE news, Media release, Southern NSW,