Register as a life saving organ donor

25 July 2022

DonateLife Week, from 24 to 31 July, aims to increase awareness of organ donation and encourage people to become an organ and tissue donor. 

One of COORDINARE’s active consumer representatives and member of COORDINARE's Community Advisory Committee, Brad Rossiter, is an organ recipient and organ donation advocate. Organ donation changed Brad’s life and means he can now live a healthy and happy life.

In the early 2000’s Brad was diagnosed with end-stage renal failure and was rushed to hospital for emergency dialysis due to complications with Type 1 Diabetes. After having both legs amputated, becoming legally blind, and being on dialysis for seven years, Brad received both a kidney and pancreas through organ donation.

Brad resides on the South Coast of NSW and spends most of his time advocating and listening to consumers on how to make the health system the best it can be. Part of this work involves advocating and increasing awareness about organ donation and how this can change someone’s life.

“Currently 1,750 Australians are waiting for an organ transplant. While statistics show 4 out of 5 Australians support organ donation, only 1 in 2 Australians aged 16 and over have registered as an organ donor,” said Brad.

“There are many misconceptions about organ donation such as ‘I am too old’, ‘my organs are unhealthy as I am a smoker, drink too much or I am overweight’ or ‘my family can decide at the time’.  To find out the facts click here.

“Organ donation can be truly life-changing for someone. Register to become an organ donor today, don’t put it off, simply click here and put your wishes in writing,” he said.

End of life care,