Revised Australian Standards for Wound Prevention and Management
19 January 2022
Interested stakeholders are being invited to review the draft Australian Standards for Wound Prevention and Management (2022) which was released for comment in late December 2021.
Over the past two years, the Australian Health Research Alliance (AHRA) in partnership with Wounds Australia has overseen a national project to update the 2016 Standards. This fourth edition builds on the work completed for previous editions of the Australian Wound Standards and reflects current relevant standards, supporting clinical guidelines and other key evidence sources.
To ensure that they are relevant and effective, it is critical that this updated version is reviewed by as many relevant stakeholders as possible.
Review Information
The Draft Standards and accompanying Review Tool are available at these links:
The closing date for review responses is Friday 12 February 2022.
If you need any assistance to access the documents or to complete the review, please contact Dr Tanya Tuffrey at tanya.tuffrey@uwa.edu.au