Your search has returned 19 results.

  • General practice supporting bowel cancer awareness 

    24 June 2021

    This month is national bowel cancer awareness month which draws attention to the valuable role general practice plays in promoting bowel cancer screening. It also highlights the role general practice plays in encouraging patients to take that final step and have the test.

    Read more about General practice supporting bowel cancer awareness 
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    1 October 2020

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the Cancer Institute of NSW 1 in 7 women in NSW will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime.

    Read more about Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • Cancer and COVID-19 – Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

    3 July 2020

    Cancer Australia has released resources and campaigns to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and health professionals to manage the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including those affected by cancer, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Read more about Cancer and COVID-19 – Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • BreastScreen NSW to recommence routine breast screening

    7 May 2020

    BreastScreen NSW is about to recommence routine breast screening, having temporarily suspended services to protect women, staff and the community from the risk of COVID-19. BreastScreen NSW will be inviting women to have their regular breast screens, starting with clients who had their appointments cancelled.

    Read more about BreastScreen NSW to recommence routine breast screening
  • Update on bowel cancer screening during COVID-19

    27 April 2020

    The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program is encouraging healthcare providers to continue to recommend routine screening to eligible patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. The cancerscreening. gov. au website has been updated to ensure providers have guidance about managing screening and followup during this time.

    Read more about Update on bowel cancer screening during COVID-19
  • Update on cervical cancer screening during COVID-19

    22 April 2020

    The Department of Health is closely monitoring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health services. The National Cervical Screening Program (the Program) is encouraging healthcare providers to continue to offer routine screening and follow up. The cancerscreening. gov.

    Read more about Update on cervical cancer screening during COVID-19
  • BreastScreen NSW temporarily suspends routine breast screening

    14 April 2020

    BreastScreen NSW has temporarily suspended routine breast screening. Women will continue to be notified of screening results. If the woman has provided consent, her nominated doctor will receive a letter confirming the results.

    Read more about BreastScreen NSW temporarily suspends routine breast screening