Key clinical processes: assess, plan, and communicate.

  • Goals of care
  • Tools for identify patients at risk of deterioration
  • Holistic MDT assessment and Care Plan
  • Communication
  • Advance care planning
  • Symptom management and medication
  • Carer support
  • Equipment provision
  • For patients with complex needs- referrals to palliative care
  • Voluntary assisted dying
Goals of care

Goals of Care: maintenance of symptom control, function and QOL within context of life limiting diagnosis; limitations of care and treatment likely.

Prognosis: months sometimes years.

Tools for identifying patients at risk of deterioration

Recognition and timely identification of individuals with a life limiting illness.

The Gold Standards Framework Proactive Identification Guidance (PIG).

Assessment tools to assist:

Palliative Care NSW resource: how to refer GP | when to refer GP.

PCOC resource:

Holistic MDT assessment and Care Plan

Patient/carer holistic needs assessment, including physical, psychological, emotional, social, spiritual and cultural domains.

Determine goals of care and instigate holistic care plan:


Communicate with patient and carer:

Provide the 'Palliative Approach' information link or leaflet to palliative care patients, carers and family members:

Advance care planning

Initiate advance care planning discussion and complete documentation, if appropriate (including Advance Care Directive (ACD).

Refer to ACP toolkit as a guidance tool.

Identify substitute decision maker (SDM).

Initiate or review resuscitation discussion, if appropriate.

Complete resuscitation plan, if appropriate.

Complete ambulance plan, if appropriate.

For further information read the NSW Ambulance role in community palliative care fact sheet.

Discuss with patient Preferred Place of Care (PCC).

Symptom management and medication

Engage with all MDT members to provide quality symptom management.

Optimise symptom management.

Rationalise regular medications.

Consider alternative consultation OPTIONS when patient is unable to attend the practice:

eviQ opioid conversion calculator.

National Core Community Palliative Care Medicines List.

Carer support

Communicate with carer.

Assess carer needs, ask the carer to complete one of the following needs assessment tools (dependent on condition):

Identify needs and supports, offer information, refer to other supports and services as required:

Consider referral to Carer Gateway or My Aged Care.

Equipment provision

Communicate with carer:

Is a home and mobility assessment required?

  • Refer to Allied Health for assessment via GPMP/TCA or LHD.
  • Palliative care equipment loans and purchases - ISLHD | SNSW.

SASH home modification program - Enable NSW and application process FAQ.

Home modification social housing.

Patients with complex needs

Discuss with patient preferred place of care (PCC):

Consider referral for grief counselling.

Referral and palliative care information:

Palliative care after hours helpline (Healthdirect Helpline) 1800 022 222.

Voluntary assisted dying

Patients and practitioners interested in knowing more about Voluntary Assisted Dying:

  • The Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD VAD team are available Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays) between 8.00am-4:30pm and contactable by phone 1300 256 684 or email
  • Southern NSW LHD VAD team are available Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays) between 8.00am-4:30pm and contactable by phone 046 874 453 or email
  • NSW State-wide VAD Care Navigator and Support Services are available Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays) between 8.00am-4:30pm and contactable by phone 1300 802 133 or email

General information for health practitioners or providers:

Navigating the topic of VAD in ACP conversations:

Consumer information:


Key clinical processes: reassess clinical goals of care, anticipatory care planning and MDT care coordination.

  • Goals of care
  • Holistic MDT assessment and Care Plan
  • Communication
  • Advance care planning
  • Symptom management and medication
  • Carer support
  • Equipment provision
  • For patients with complex needs - referrals to palliative care
  • Voluntary assisted dying
Goals of care

Deterioration: symptom management and support of functional decline to sustain quality of life (QOL) in context of life limiting diagnosis and within limitations of expected deterioration.

Rapidly Declining: treatment of potentially reversible cause of acute deterioration; Symptom control and functional support within context of life limiting diagnosis; Limitations in care and treatment likely.

Holistic MDT assessment and Care Plan

Reassess holistic care needs frequently.

Review goals of care and care plan to address current and future anticipated needs.

Care coordination and liaison across MDT settings / discussion at MDT Case Conference.

Consider including General Practice Palliative Management Plan.

Clinical assessment tools:


Discussion / input at MDT Case Conferencing.

Communicate with patient and carer:

Confirm with patient preferred place of care (PCC), if practical and update in ACD.

Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) discussion if applicable.

Explore bereavement needs of person and carers.

Discuss and confirm preferred place of death (PPD).

Planned home death:

Planned hospital death:

Planned residential aged care home death:

Advance care planning

Review and update advance care plan (ACP) / advance care directive (ACD) and person centred goal setting.

Confirm preferred place of care (PPC) / preferred place of death (PPD) and consider transfer, if appropriate.

If commencing initial ACP discussion, see information under stable ACP as guidance.

Initiate or review resuscitation discussion:

Symptom management and medication

Optimise symptom management.

Rationalise regular medications.

  • Review medicines and deprescribe as appropriate.

Prescribe anticipatory crisis drugs and orders.

For a home death:

eviQ opioid conversion calculator.

Carer support

Initiate carer assessment or reassess carer needs.

Assess carer needs, ask carer to complete one of the following needs assessment tools (dependent on condition):

Identify needs and supports, offer information, refer to other supports and services as required:

Carer respite:

Equipment provision

Communicate with patient and carer

Is a home and mobility assessment required?

SASH Home Modification Program - Enable NSW and application process FAQ.

Home modification social housing.

For patients with complex needs

Referral and palliative care information:

Consider referral for grief counselling.

Provide information on 24/7 palliative care helpline.

  • Clinicians - NSW after hours palliative care support helpline - call 1800 548 225.
  • Healthdirect helpline - palliative care support for patients, cares and families - call 1800 022 222. The helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Consider referral to LHD:

Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD)

Patients and practitioners interested in knowing more about Voluntary Assisted Dying:

  • The ISLHD VAD team are available Monday -Friday (excluding public holidays) between 8am-4:30pm and contactable by phone 1300 256 684 or email
  • SNSWLHD VAD team are available Monday -Friday (excluding public holidays) between 8am-4:30pm and contactable by phone 046 874 453 or email
  • NSW State-wide VAD Care Navigator and Support Services are available Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays) between 8am-4:30pm and contactable by phone 1300 802 133 or email

General Information for health practitioners or providers:

Navigating the topic of VAD in ACP conversations:

Consumer information:


Key clinical processes: end of life pathways and comfort care.

  • Goals of care
  • Holistic MDT assessment and Care Plan
  • Communication
  • Provide care in line with advance care plan
  • Symptom management in the last days of life
  • Carer support
  • Equipment provision
  • Voluntary assisted dying
Goals of care

Comfort, dignified and compassionate care in the last days of life.

Holistic MDT assessment and Care Plan

Reassess care needs daily.

Review care plan, in line with person centred medical goals of care / treatment, when appropriate:

Prepare terminal care management plan for PPD.

Commence end of life pathway.

Clinical assessment tools:


Communicate with patient (if applicable) and carer:

Document the terminal plan and share with carers, families and after-hours providers.

Preferred place of death (PPD) confirmed.

Complete Palliative Care Status Form.

Provide care in line with advance care plan

Review and update advance care plan / advance care directive if appropriate.

Confirm preferred place of death (PPD) and consider transfer to PPD, if appropriate.

Provision of culturally appropriate terminal care.

Complete resuscitation plan, if not already done.

Complete ambulance plan, if not already done.

Complete Medical Certificate Cause of Death (MCCD) for Expected Home Death, if at home.

Symptom management in the last days of life

Optimise symptom management.

Discontinue non-essential medications.

Prescribe anticipatory crisis drugs and orders.

Ensure drug administration equipment and charts are in place.

NSQHS comprehensive care standard end of life care: last days of life.

eviQ opioid conversion calculator.

Carer support

Consider referral to LHD:

Provide carer information and resources:

Equipment provision

Referral for provision of aids and equipment Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD Equipment Loan Pool | Southern NSW LHD Equipment Loan.

Refer to allied health team, if required.

Refer to LHD for end of life package supports if required.

Home care package supports.

Voluntary assisted dying

If death occurred as a result of the administration of a VAD substance, the usual guidelines for non-reportable deaths apply, with the additional requirements that the MCCD must:

  • record that the patient self-administered or was administered a voluntary assisted dying substance, and
  • record the underlying medical condition that made the patient eligible for voluntary assisted dying.

Section 19.4: Notification of Death from the NSW Voluntary Assisted Dying Clinical Practice Handbook.

Key clinical processes: post diagnosis and post death.

  • Grief support- post diagnosis
  • Care after death
  • Communication
  • Bereavement support
  • MDT communication and reflection
Grief support post diagnosis

Explore the social, emotional and wellbeing (SEWB) needs of the person, carer, families after diagnosis and throughout the palliative journey.

Grief and Anticipatory grief:

Care after death

Legal documents for completion (as needed).

Complete medical certificate of cause of death.

Undertake verification of death - completion of this verification of death form is not required when a person’s death is reportable to the Coroner or where a MCCD has been completed.

Complete Coroners checklist.

Completed Attending Practitioner’s Cremation certificate if required.


Communicate with family and carers.

Provide bereavement information to carer and family members.

Identify carers 'at risk' of bereavement.

After death information:

Bereavement support

Information about grief and bereavement - consider bereavement care for all.

The role of the GP:

Available supports:

MDT communication, reflection and self care

MDT Communciation:

  • Notify healthcare professionals involved in MDT.
  • Wider MDT reflection and debrief, if required.


Self Care

Further information and support

  • Renumeration

    For more information about remuneration for palliative care services.

  • Education

    Learn more about education opportunities, polices and protocols.

  • Return home

    Return to the home page for access to further patient and carer information.

  • Learn more

    Visit COORDINARE's palliative and end of life care page for more information and key local resources.