Latest updates
We are working to engage with the allied health workforce in South Eastern NSW and are keen to hear from all the allieds in the region.
Allied health engagement
COORDINARE recognises that allied health professional engagement in primary care promotes better outcomes, integration, safety, quality, and access for South Eastern NSW residents through improvements in multidisciplinary care and clinical governance.
Partner with us
We invite allied health professionals living and/or working in our region to collaborate with us in implementing innovative solutions through our education and training, co-design, and future commissioning opportunities.
Keep an eye on this page to find out more about our Allied Health Toolkit, which is coming soon!
Engagement model
The Allied Health Engagement Framework identifies priority areas for increasing collaboration between Primary Health Networks (PHNs) and the allied health sector.
Learn more about our model for engaging with allied health professionals at the link below.
Learning and development
You can find information about our learning and development opportunities here.
Keep an eye on this page for upcoming opportunities to contribute to our learning and development plan.
COORDINARE's health priorities
Allied health practitioners already form an important part of the work we do to improve the health and wellbeing of people in our region.
There will be more opportunities for engagement with allied health professionals in our other programs and priorities in the future.
Below is a list of useful resources for allied health professionals.