Your search has returned 305 results.

  • New service for some older people to access aged care in South Eastern NSW

    23 February 2023

    A free service is now available to help some older people in South Eastern NSW who need extra, intensive support to access aged care services and other supports in the community.

    Read more about New service for some older people to access aged care in South Eastern NSW
  • BreastScreen NSW mobile van visiting South Coast

    21 February 2023

    Practices across the Shoalhaven region are asked to encourage women to book a free breast screen while the mobile clinic is visiting:

    Berry: 20 Feb - 3 March, Berry Showground. Huskisson: 6-24 March, Husky Sports.

    Read more about BreastScreen NSW mobile van visiting South Coast
  • 2023 COVID-19 vaccine booster now available

    20 February 2023

    Adults can get an additional COVID-19 booster shot from February 20th from general practices, medical services or pharmacies. The booster is available to those aged 18 and older who have not had a COVID-19 booster or a case of the virus in the past six months.

    Read more about 2023 COVID-19 vaccine booster now available
  • Strengthening Medicare – GP Grants Program opportunity

    13 February 2023

    As part of the 2022-23 October Budget, the Australian Government is investing $220 million (over two years from 2022-23 to 2023-24) in Medicare general practices and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS), through the Strengthening Medicare – GP Grants Program.

    Read more about Strengthening Medicare – GP Grants Program opportunity
  • Release of the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce Report

    3 February 2023

    The Australian Government released the report of the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce on 3 February 2023. The report outlines a vision for Australia’s primary care system of the future.

    Read more about Release of the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce Report
  • BreastScreen NSW mobile van visiting Cooma and Bombala

    31 January 2023

    Practices in Cooma Snowy Monaro are asked to encourage women to book a free breast screen while the mobile clinic is visiting:

    Bombala – 27th February to 3rd March, Bombala Hospital grounds. Cooma - 6th March to 14th April, Cooma District Hospital carpark.

    Read more about BreastScreen NSW mobile van visiting Cooma and Bombala
  • BreastScreen NSW mobile van visiting Yass

    12 January 2023

    Practices in Yass are asked to encourage women to book a free breast screen while the mobile clinic is situated at the Yass Showground from 16 January – 24 February. A 20-minute breast screen every two years could save your patient’s life.

    Read more about BreastScreen NSW mobile van visiting Yass
  • Reach out these holidays - support is available

    20 December 2022

    Christmas and the holiday season can be a time of joy and happiness, but for some it’s the most difficult time of the year. Those experiencing stress or worry can often find this time of year hard to cope with.

    Read more about Reach out these holidays - support is available